
Geoffrey Monet


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2016-2019 Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (Orsay, France) PhD degrees in Physics
2015-2016 Université Paris-Saclay / ENS (France) Master 2 "Fundamental concepts of physics", "Condensed Matter Physics" program
Double degree Master ENS/Magistère Orsay
With honours
2014-2015 Magistère de Physique Fondamentale (Orsay, France) Master 1 in fundamental physics
With honours
Fluid mechanics, optics, atomic, particle, plasma and neutron physics
2013-2014 Licence 3 in fundamental physics
With honours
Quantum mechanics, hamiltonian, electromagnetism, statistical physics and mathematics
2012-2013 Engineer school (Albi, France) Engineer student
2009-2012 Lycée Bellevue (Toulouse) Preparatory class for the French Engineering Schools
Section : Mathématique/Physique (MPSI-MP)
2009 Castres Scientific Baccalaureate
With honours

Work experience

2021-2023 ENS (Paris) 24 months Post-doc on numerical study of nanofluidics
2020-2021 ENS (Paris) 16 months Post-doc on the theoretical and numerical study of the polarization of nanoconfined water
2016-2019 Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (Orsay) 40 months Internship followed by a thesis on the structure of aluminum oxide nanotubes and the properties of water nanoconfined water - Link to the manuscript
Teaching service
2015 CERN (Suisse) 2.5 months Internship on event reconstruction for a new generation of calorimeter
2014 CSNSM (Orsay) 1.5 months Internship on polarization of excited nuclei
2013 S.A.S Ballario et Fils (Albi) 1 month Internship


Cross-disciplinary science and technology

Scientific writing, scientific monitoring, written and oral communication, teaching.

Experimental science

X-ray scattering, inelastic neutron scattering, X-ray absorption, infrared spectroscopy, RMN spectrescopy, Raman spectrescopy.

Numerical competence

Python, Machine Learning, Molecular dynamics, C/C++, Matlab, Mathematica, Git, Linux, Adobe Illustrator, Office, LaTeX, Zotero, Qt, Blender, Unreal Engine 4, Unity, HTML/CSS, JavaScript




French and English


Swimming and water activities, Computer games, Strategy games (board games or video games)